PARIS, FRANCE // Marc is ECD at ISOBAR France. Before that, he was Creative Director at FF Group, before that he was a senior copywriter at Fred&Farid and before that he was a junior copywriter at DDB Paris. In the meantime, he was working on a novel. He will finish it…after, he pledges. And before all that he was born in Germany.
Throughout his career, he worked with many worldwide brands including Audi, Honda, Lipton International, Air France-KLM, Nike, Mondelez, Johnson & Johnson, Flying Blue, Mc Vitie’s, and others.
During this journey, he hacked Twitter, waged war on internet cookies, put tampons in boy’s hands, turned jetlag into an opportunity and even managed to give birth to a foal.
He has been awarded by his peers at Cannes Lions, Clio, Webby, Effie or the French ADC in wich he is a permanent member.