Audio, Digital/Mobile, Direct, Experience/Activation & Social Media
Tess Evans
Associate Creative Director
VCCP Health
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Tess Evans

LONDON, UK // Tess was incredibly lucky to have fallen into copywriting in 2011, while wondering how she would put a screenwriting MA to use in a “real job”. She started at a small agency in Soho which had both consumer and health clients, and found herself drawn to health – both for the chance to produce meaningful work and to be part of a field that was becoming increasingly creative and culturally relevant.

Over a decade later, Tess has worked at some of the top UK health agencies, for a wide range of clients, including GSK, Johnson & Johnson, Merck and Pfizer. She is now Associate Creative Director at VCCP Health where she has enjoyed producing award-winning campaigns in both human and animal health.

Tess has lived in London all her life and in her free time tries to make the most of all the fun, food and culture the city has to offer – though it’s 50/50 odds she’ll actually be at home, in a very unglamorous dressing gown, watching a film and drinking a small(ish) whiskey. Okay 80/20.

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