Red Band Trailer "Game Day"
Entrant Company | Aspect, North Hollywood |
Film Studio | HBO Max, New York |
Creative Director | Dan Zibulsky / HBO Max |
Associate Creative Director | Soren Krabbe / HBO Max |
Sr. Producer | Michael Skanes / HBO Max |
Producer | Ali Wiedmann / HBO Max |
Creative Director | Jason Chappelle / Aspect |
Producer | Anthony Kubek / Aspect |
Associate Producer | Taylor Cox / Aspect |
Creative Coordinator | Francesca Gonzales / Aspect |
Editor | Ben Jendras / Aspect |
Motion Graphics Animator | Topher Hendricks / Aspect |
Graphics Coordinator | Joslyn Jenkins / Aspect |
Director of Music | Alison Sieh / Aspect |
Sr. Music & Licensing Manager | Emily Moy / Aspect |
Associate Music Supervisor | Megan Elmo / Aspect |
Music Coordinator | Damien De La Cruz / Aspect |
This 2022 Clio Entertainment Shortlisted entry titled 'Red Band Trailer "Game Day"' was entered for Peacemaker by Aspect, North Hollywood. The piece was submitted to the medium: Television/Series: Trailer within the entry type: Television/Series and the category: Comedy. It consists of 1 video and 1 image.
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