The Terminal List
Double Life
Entrant Company | Tiny Hero, Burbank |
Streaming Platform | Prime Video, Culver City |
Creative Marketing Lead | Heather McClure / Prime Video |
Creative Marketing Lead | Evan Otis / Prime Video |
AV Producer | Dunja Vitolic / Prime Video |
AV Producer | David Bekoff / Prime Video |
AV Producer | Sarah Moshe / Prime Video |
Campaign Manager | Gina Davis / Prime Video |
SVP/Creative Director | Kerianne Connor Lentz / Tiny Hero |
Creative Producer | Chris Roys / Tiny Hero |
Editor | Samantha Abrahams / Tiny Hero |
This 2022 Clio Entertainment Silver winning entry titled 'Double Life' was entered for The Terminal List by Tiny Hero , Burbank. The piece was submitted to the medium: Television/Series: Spot/Promo within the entry type: Television/Series and the category: Other. It consists of 1 video and 1 image.
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