Campaign: Bacteria Rewrites History
Entrant Company | Wunderman Colombia, Bogota |
Agency Network | Wunderman / Y&R, Bogota |
Production Company | Studios Machina, Bogota |
Chief Creative Officer | Juan Pablo Alvarado / Wunderman, Bogota |
Chief Creative Officer | Tito Chamorro / Young & Rubicam, Bogota |
Chief Creative Officer | Mauricio Rocha / Young & Rubicam, Bogota |
Creative Director | Julian Nuñez / Young & Rubicam, Bogota |
Creative Director | Sebastian Sanchez / Young & Rubicam, Bogota |
Copywriter | Paloma Botero / Wunderman, Bogota |
Copywriter | Sebastian Mojica / Wunderman, Bogota |
Copywriter | Daniel Piza / Wunderman, Bogota |
Producer | Camilo Lucena / Studios Machina, Bogota |
Producer | Dana Magallan / Studios Machina, Bogota |
This 2015 Clio Health Silver winning entry titled 'ABRAHAM LINCOLN' was entered for FARMATODO. The piece was submitted to the medium: Audio Technique within the entry type: Copywriting and the category: Audio Technique. It consists of 1 video and 1 image. This piece is part of a campaign called ' Bacteria Rewrites History' that consists of 3 elements.
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