Door Beat
Entrant Company | Loggia, nova lima |
Film Studio | Brokolis, Belo Horizonte |
Music/Sound Company | Studio Curva, SAO PAULO |
Executive Director | Sylvia Pina / Loggia |
Executive Creative Director | Flavio Pina / Loggia |
Business Lead | Sarah Magalhaes / Loggia |
Project Manager | Adriana Correa / Loggia |
Project Manager | Gabriela Salgado / Loggia |
Project Manager | Gabriela Santiago / Loggia |
Project Manager | Joana Moretzsohn / Loggia |
Creative Director | Luciana Moretzsohn / Loggia |
Associate Creative Director | Leo Trevas / Loggia |
Content Lead | Larissa Padron / Loggia |
Art Director | Joao Andere / Loggia |
Social Media | Julia Benatti / Loggia |
Motion Designer | Barbara Maia / Loggia |
Proofreader | Neide Santiago / Loggia |
Traffic Manager | Patricia Leal / Loggia |
Producer | Helena Moreira / Loggia |
Producer | Carla Pereira / Loggia |
Producer | Joao Lucas / Loggia |
Strategist | Gabriella Rangel / Loggia |
Strategy Lead | Luiz Linhares / Loggia |
Media Analyst | Izabela Santo / Loggia |
Digital Media Analyst | Adriele Mendes / Loggia |
Digital Media Analyst | Jonatas Andrade / Loggia |
Data & Metrics Analyst | Deise Maia / Loggia |
Director | Paulo Emilio / Brokolis |
Editor | Vinicius Portugal / Brokolis |
Composer | Eduardo Barreto / Studio Curva |
Music Supervisor | Haruo Brwax / Studio Curva |
This 2022 Clio Music Shortlisted entry titled 'Door Beat' was entered for Sicoob by Loggia, nova lima. The piece was submitted to the medium: Use of Music in Experience/Activation within the entry type: Original. It consists of 1 video and 1 image.
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