The Outer Worlds 2
Announce Trailer
Entrant Company | Buddha Jones, LOS ANGELES |
Game Publisher | Microsoft Xbox |
Director of Marketing | Julie Munoz Lowe / Microsoft Xbox |
Product Marketing Manager | Lucas Estela / Microsoft Xbox |
Global Product Marketing | Marcus Morgan / Microsoft Xbox |
Director of Marketing | Steven Dodson / Microsoft Xbox |
Product Marketing Manager | Adrian Panen / Microsoft Xbox |
Head of Games | Scott Carson / Buddha Jones |
Producer | Rob Ondarza / Buddha Jones |
Associate Producer | Kris Baron / Buddha Jones |
Editor | Joey Linquist / Buddha Jones |
Writer | Steve Robertson / Buddha Jones |
Finishing Manager | John Buckley / Buddha Jones |
Graphics Producer | Matt Sauter / Buddha Jones |
Graphics Coordinator | Dani Targas / Buddha Jones |
Art Director | Torgier Ensrud / Buddha Jones |
This 2021 Clio Entertainment Silver winning entry titled 'Announce Trailer' was entered for The Outer Worlds 2 by Buddha Jones, LOS ANGELES. The piece was submitted to the medium: Games: Audio/Visual Craft within the entry type: Games and the category: CGI. It consists of 1 video and 1 image.
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