3 Body Problems
Entrant Company | Trailer Park Group, Hollywood |
Streaming Platform | Netflix |
Creative Director | Adam Finkelstein / Trailer Park Group |
Creative Director | Kelly Adelman / Trailer Park Group |
Producer | Joe Mahoney / Trailer Park Group |
Jr. Producer | Suzanne Cimolino / Trailer Park Group |
Editor | Alexander Noyes / Trailer Park Group |
Music supervisor | Bobby Gumm / Trailer Park Group |
Graphics | Russ Honican / Trailer Park Group |
Global Creative Marketing | Ned Berger / Netflix |
Global Creative Marketing | Irene Wu / Netflix |
This 2023 Clio Entertainment Shortlisted entry titled 'Life' was entered for 3 Body Problems by Trailer Park Group, Hollywood. The piece was submitted to the medium: Television | Series: Video Promo Craft within the entry type: Television | Series and the category: Editing. It consists of 1 video and 1 image.
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