The Comedy Channel (Australia)
Comedy 'Phone Mouth'
Entrant Company | FOXTEL, North ryde |
Director/Producer | LISA FREDERICKSON / FOXTEL |
Director/Producer | TONY KING / FOXTEL |
Creative Director | MIKKI KATZ / FOXTEL |
Production Manager | CATE MURRAY / FOXTEL |
Cinematographer | ANDRE DEUBEL |
Motion Designer/Compositing | GRISCHA THEISSEN / FOXTEL |
Motion Designer/Compositing | ANTHONY HAYES / FOXTEL |
Sound Designer | DAVE HUNTER / FOXTEL |
This 2017 Clio Entertainment Bronze winning entry titled 'Comedy 'Phone Mouth'' was entered for The Comedy Channel (Australia) by FOXTEL , North ryde. The piece was submitted to the medium: Television/Streaming: Video Promo Technique within the entry type: Television/Streaming and the category: Other. It consists of 1 video and 1 image.
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