In 2019, Clio Entertainment will be adding Consumer Products (new in Theatrical, Television/Streaming, Games, and Home Entertainment) to the competition. This new medium is for licensed or in-house produced consumer products featuring an entertainment title, franchise, or characters, with an on-sale date during the eligibility period. Categories within the Consumer Products medium include:
- Apparel/Footwear/Household Goods
- Food/Beverage
- Games/Electronics
- Health/Beauty
- Publishing
- Toys/Collectibles
- Other
Required Media: Image (up to 10)
Optional Media: Video (1), PDF (1), URL (up to 4), Physical Entry
Eligibility Period: Entries first appearing in public between June 1, 2018 and August 31, 2019 will eligible for entry into this year's Clio Entertainment Awards in the Consumer Products medium.
Entry-Deadlines and Fees:
Deadline 1: April 29th to June 21st - $320
Deadline 2: June 22nd to July 12th - $370
Deadline 3: July 13th to August 9th - $395
Jury: Clio appoints top creatives and marketers from around the world to serve on our distinct juries. Clio selects individuals whose own creative work epitomizes the best of their respective fields, ensuring that each juror has an in-depth understanding of the industry’s evolving marketplace.
The Judging Process: The Clio judging process is known for its diplomatic approach to recognizing creative excellence. All jurors have an equal say in decisions, and the majority vote rules. Across all Clio programs, creativity and originality are the primary criteria for judging. Some of the questions jurors are asked to think about include:
- Is this work creative? Original? Inspiring?
- Is this work brave? Bold? Innovative?
The consumer products entries will be evaluated by the executive jury based on their entry type (e.g. Television/Streaming Consumer Products will be judged by the Television/Streaming Executive jury). They participate in preliminary rounds of judging individually followed by a final round of judging to determine the awards given to each piece – Gold, Silver, Bronze, Shortlist. The jury will also have the opportunity to award one Grand Clio, Clio’s highest honor.
During the judging process there is no minimum or maximum number of statues that need to be awarded. The jury reserves the right to award as many or as few entries as they see fit in a particular medium or category.
Award Show: The Clio Entertainment Award Show will be held on Thursday, November 21st at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles.
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